Protect your family and your assets

Honey Legal is one of the UK’s most trusted legal brands and is here to help you write your Will, create Powers of Attorney and more. Not sure what you need?
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The Honey Group story

Honey is here to help you protect the things you care about most – your family and home. We’re firm believers in doing the right thing for our clients and the community.
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Why do I need a Will?

The main purpose of your Will is to look after the people you leave behind.

Setting out your wishes makes it easier to distribute your wealth and property, relieving stress for your family at an emotional time. Learn more.

What is a Power of Attorney?

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that lets you appoint people you trust to make decisions for you, if you ever reach the point that you can’t make them yourself. Learn more.

Why choose a professional executor?

Being executor of someone’s Will can be very time consuming and often stressful. A professional can manage the estate efficiently, quickly and accurately, helping relieve the burden at a difficult time.

What is Probate?

Probate is the legal right to deal with someone’s property, money and possessions when they die. You can’t usually deal with someone’s estate including selling property without Probate. Learn more.

Can I get help if I’m not confident to buy online?

We understand that you might like to talk to someone before buying online from Honey Legal. Our friendly experts are just a call away – see our contact page to find out how to get in touch.

Your personalised Review Report

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A choice of protection packages

Your personalised Review Report will recommend which of our legal products will meet your needs. We offer you a tailored choice of tailored bronze, silver or gold packages. These will typically include:


A cost-efficient approach to protecting you and your family


A package specially tailored for homeowners


The ultimate protection for you today, and your loved ones in the future


Discover how your personalised review report can help you make better, more informed decisions.

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Why wait? Get started today

Life is unpredictable, so there’s never a better time than now. By getting your affairs in order, you have control of future decisions that could affect you, your family and your estate.

In just a few minutes, you can relax knowing everything will go to plan – your plan.

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